You Probably Watched 'Akeelah And The Bee' Over And Over Again But Never Thought Of These Things - The Frontline NG


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26 Jul 2017

You Probably Watched 'Akeelah And The Bee' Over And Over Again But Never Thought Of These Things


 It was a fun and stimulating family movie that reached a wide audience with its various messages and life lessons. I love movies like this; they are entertaining for adults and kids but go deeper than your typical Disney-type movie. They are about something besides how to be cute and have everything in life magically fall into place whether you have put in the time and effort or not. The film was effective in engaging two eleven year olds, two fifty-two year olds and a sixty-one year old, not bad.


Life Lessons Learned from Akeelah and The Bee

1)    Lifee Lessons – Success Takes Effort and Focus – There is nothing new about this particular life lesson but still a very important one. The slight twist here is that an eleven-year-old girl was the one putting in the effort and focus to reach a goal she was not sure she initially wanted to reach.




2)    Life Lessons – Everybody Needs A Coach To Reach Their Goals – We do not succeed on our own, never have and never will. Those who think they “made it on their own” are kidding themselves. We all benefit from having people in our lives that have already gone where we are going. This life lesson is as old as our species. The ego may try to convince us otherwise but receiving wisdom and knowledge from experienced coaches and leaders are essential in our journey.



3)    Life Lessons – We all have 50,000 Coaches In Our Life – This is one of the more compelling life lessons from the film Akeelah and The Bee. The girl’s mother eventually looked her directly in the eye and stated, “You have 50,000 coaches ready to help you”. This is on the of the life lessons that many people miss. I t is great to have a designated coach to guide and support you, but do not forget about all the “coaches” you already have in your life.




4)   Life Lessons – Coaches Need Students Too – Any good coach has learned the life lesson that we need you as much as you need us, if not more.  It is mostly useless acquiring vast wisdom and knowledge, and not have anyone to share it with it, this causes a blockage in the flow of energetic teachings.



5)    Life Lessons – Obstacles Are Part of The Journey – It is foolish to believe that you will get from point A to Point B without roadblocks. They are part of the process, an important part of the process.   Each step has its own hazards, each a life lesson if we are able to detach enough to createperspective.  At times the tests can be brutal, they may even feel impossible. That does not mean they are impossible or you are not capable of completing the tasks in front of you, dig deep, then deeper.




6)    Life Lessons –  Humility is Essential – I cannot imagine achieving anything of value without accepting I am both amazing and flawed simultaneously. Greatness requires knowledge of these attributes and willingness to engage both of them.  I have all the answers inside me but may need others to excavate these teachings. The film twice recited the famous Marianne Williamson’s quote that nelson Mandela made international.  I find this to be an incredible quote on humility.



Life Lessons From Akeelah and The Bee


And last life lesson, but not least, we have to find our own way of living life. We can’t do it like anybody else and why would we want to?


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