About - The Frontline NG


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"Gaining knowledge is the first step to wisdom. Sharing it, is the first step to humanity" 

 This quote sure appeals to you in some sort of way, right? Holla! Welcome. Thank you for stopping by. You will briefly learn about us and how that quote goes in tandem with our vision and mission. Remember, you are family and you are very much welcome here.

 • What values do we give YOU?

        Obviously, the blogdom is indisputably occupied. People blog for different reasons, everyone wants to pass a message across and definitely you are here because you require information. We all need to be kept abreast of the latest happenings across the world of politics, sports, music, movies and more. Most importantly, people seek for a platform to express themselves and to understand how to tackle life situations. Therefore, we are here to serve you the latest on world happenings, to dish out entertainment which will leave you smiling or shaking your head. But that is not what makes us unique! We will not only be dishing our information to you, we will make you have a taste of what family is. Our main mission is to create a platform to connect people with like minds, we seek to create awareness and to let your voice be heard, we are here to help ease going through certain phases or circumstances of life like break-ups, depression, disease, loneliness and more. We share advice on life issues, try our best to empower our readers and most importantly to share knowledge which is the first step to humanity. This is what makes us different.

 • Who is our blog intended for?

          Do you love  being up-to date with breaking news? Are you a lover of music, sports and movies? Do you like to roll with the latest fashion trends or you just love fashion colours? Do you seek to be enlightened? Do you need words of advice? Do you want to learn about things you don't know exist like selfie shoes or password protected Universal Serial Buses (USBs). Oops, they sure do exist. Do you need a platform to express yourself? Then, you are at the right place, this blog is for you. Feel free to navigate through this blog and comment on any issue.

 • Our Bio

        The frontline NG was birthed on June 14th 2017 as "Celebrity Bash". We later changed to "360 Entertainment Info" which helped shape our mission of wanting to provide information that will be of tangible help to humanity and here you have it, The Frontline NG which had its first blog post on December 5th, 2017. Hence, The Frontline NG has been steadily fulfilling its mission and we hope to spread our vision across the entire globe.

 Don't forget that when you share distinct information, you are doing humanity a favour. 

 You can connect with us on Facebook and Google+ or by simply filling the details in our Contact form and submitting. We sure guarantee you rapid response.

 Team The Frontline NG.      
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