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2 Aug 2021


By Akpobome Joy

 Talk about starting a venture, the joy of every beginning is to have a pleasant ending. As the famous maxim goes, the journey of a thousand years begins with just a step, for the students of Higher National Diploma 2 of the Nigerian Institute of Journalism, their destinies began with a decision to further their education from secondary level five years ago, some having to toil and sweat for the funds to sponsor themselves while some had the privilege of having parents who sponsored their education nevertheless all of those pains, burning the midnight oil to study, the disappointments all seemed to have never happened following wild celebrations after writing their final examination in the school.

The journey of 5 years was stretching and drilling but according to Edmond Esi, deputy governor of the class, “God made them go through unscathed.”

It was an academic session characterized with highs and lows. There had been threats that some of them would not finish for it was one which saw no less than eight students either suspended or rusticated for behaviours that were not in conformity with the school’s standards.

“The way dem take dey send people away for this new management is shocking”, Bosipo Praise, another student from the final year class said.

One of them, name reserved, had even gotten the scare of his life after he challenged his own lecturer, one who happened to have once occupied the second highest managerial position in the school; a challenge that involved the use of fists. “There were countless uproar, I can’t even count how many times there was noise in that first floor springing forth from conflict either within the class or between classes”, Mary Pride related.

Meanwhile, in a bid to preserve themselves and see their investments or that of their parents to an expected end, some students chose to be indifferent.

“All these troubles are so unnecessary, if you like fight from now till tomorrow, it’s what the management wants to do that they will still do. Anyways make me I sha graduate, na my own concern be dat”, the deputy governor of the print class, Bisi, noted.

Fast forward to exam periods and there was an entire new paradigm; the phenomenon known as the Final Year Brethren- A call that brought unity among the students like never before through their dressing.

According to Emmanuel from the Print class, “It was a delight to see many of us cooperate with the FYB week. My favourite day has to be Tuesday when we all wore denim shirts”

Here’s what Boluwatife from the Broadcast Class had to say

Boluwatife Speaks

The climax of the occasion was the all white they all appeared in on the last day of their paper while Broadcast students appeared in hoods to mark the end of a rigorous academic journey.

“We all had to find the money because noone would want to be left out. The print students paid N1500 for their white shirt while the Broadcast paid N7000 each for their hoodie”, said Blessing Kekema.

Celebrations are good but it's no doubt that like every other celebration, this will also come to an end and then begins to pop in the mind of every graduate is a question about the future.

After now, what next?

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