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23 Dec 2017



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A pimple (also called as zit, spot) can be described as a bulge on the surface of facial skin. A pimple or three of them on the face is normal, but lots of it on the face during teenage can cause lots of problems. The treatment can be of various types – it might be a home remedy or in case of severity, you can trymedications prescribed by the physician.

Pimples can be best summed in words as a normal condition that can affect many people. They are the result of inflammation in the skin– the reason – sebaceous glands (which produce skin oil) are infected by bacteria – in course of time- they swell in size and are filled with pus.

The size of the pimples can differ and they can occur on the back, face, neck, chest and shoulders. In case of oily skin, you are more likely to suffer from this simple ailment. However, even persons with normal or dry skin can be affected.

The groups (age) most affected by pimples are the teenagers, in the puberty stages due to thechanges of hormone in their bodies. In fact, a teenager would have faced the challenge of pimples at least once in their lifetime.

The causes are listed below:

Accumulation Of Dead Skin Cells

Similar to hair, the skin also sheds dead cells. A few of them get attached to the sebum causing pores in the skin to become blocked. The same pores can cause pimples.

Pimples Due To Teenage

Teenagers are more prone to pimples as their body goes through the physical changes. The production of oil in sebaceous glands is more as the body gets prepared for reproduction. The extra sebum gets logged in pores and pimples are formed. If you are a teenager, if you have completed reading this article, every line, you would definitely find out the effective treatment to get rid of pimples.

Growth Of Bacteria

The sebum is not the only culprit; even bacteria are in the fray. The name isPropionibacterium acne. The pimples formed by these bacteria can be painful as they feed on the oil.

Dairy Products

Having high quantity of sugar in the diet has been found to cause pimples and this quality can be attributed to dairy products. It is advisable to follow the right diet.


It is well-known that the ‘first impression is the best impression’ and the best one is made within seven seconds. You can apply makeup for an entire changeover or draw the line. However, heavy makeup (if you are allergic to chemicals) can cause pimples in the puberty stages. It is also mandatory that the make-up should be removed before hitting the bed.


During stress, adrenalin is produced to handle the situation. The body functions are upset during the time frame. In fact, stress can be a trigger for pimples.

Usually, pimples are noticed as elevations in different shapes and sizes. They may (or may not) have fluid. The tissues  beneath the pimples will be red due to swelling and inflammation. Other parts of the body affected by pimples are back and chest.

Linda Tewary

studied at Clark College

84w ago

Image source Google

Simple Home Remedies To Treat Pimples

I utilized proactively it helped, however, don't utilize ask the cured things they toss at you simply utilize it tolerably. Additionally, utilize clear as use toothpaste likewise however again modestly don't give others a chance to pop your pimples , utilize a tissue to dispose of them . don't use nails, and filthy hands .

Turmeric Powder Paste

Turmeric has clean properties that will battle the microbes that bring about pimples and lessen the creation of pimples on the skin.

Fresh Mint Leaves Juice

Mint leaves are said to have genuine cooling and disinfectant properties and can work ponders on pimples.

Lemon Juice

One of the snappiest approaches to treat pimples is the utilization of lemon juice. It is rich in Vitamin C and serves to effortlessly dry out pimples.

Ajay Godbole

Teacher, living in Nagpur, MH, India.

84w ago

First of all, proper diagnosis of the pimple  is required, which means what are the causative facters for pimple to appear on the face. Inspite of a number of treatments, the result is equal to no.

The foremost reason of pimple on the face is the heat within the body. The heat inside the body find its way through its appearance in the form of pimple on the face.

There are several causative factors for heat to procure inside the body. Of which, first and foremost is stimulation of sexual instinct. It is necessary to know how is it so. When we find pleasure in sexual activity withhout indulging in it actually or just bringing sexual thoughts in mind or watching or reading sex literature will cause to stimulate our sexual instinct leading to harmonal change ultimately resulting into tremendous heat. So it is advisable to avoid sexual thoughts of no indulgence in sexual activity. In case of married people, there is stimulation of sexual instinct but indulgence of sexual activity is there.

Another reason for cuasing heat is the stress. Especially, the stress caused by anger and irritation. It adds to the problem more when anger or irritation is given vent to.

Other reasons like eating peppery or spicy food or eating meat is supportive to above factors. These are not direct contributors of heat, causing pimple.

Source: Quora.com

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