Foods To Eat Right After You Work Out - The Frontline NG


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14 Jun 2017

Foods To Eat Right After You Work Out

There are three types of people who brave the gym: those who want to drop extra pounds, those who are all about the gains, and me. And by me, I mean someone who works out just enough to still feel her best even though she ate four slices of pizza less than 12 hours ago.

No matter what type of gym rat you are, it’s likely that by the time you leave the gym you’re ravenous. It’s easy to let that Dunkin’ Donuts across the street tempt you — but there are better ways to satisfy those carb cravings while doing your body good.

Here are 11 (tasty!) foods that’ll replenish everything your body lost while you were working on your fitness:

Protein shake

Protein is incredibly important to your body’s function. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to do… well, pretty much anything. Protein is a major part of muscle function, and your body needs it to heal any minor muscles tears that’ve might’ve happened while you were getting swole. Sure, you could get your protein from that chicken or fish dish you have waiting for you at home, but here’s the catch: solid foods take longer to digest than liquids. Protein shakes deliver the goodness to your muscles a lot quicker (and promote weight loss, too!).


Since we’re on the subject, eggs are another great source of protein. Not only are they low calorie, but there are a million ways to prepare them and they’re great for any time of day. Also, don’t worry about discarding the egg yolk. While it does hold most of the fat, the yolk is also where you’ll find all of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs post-workout.


If shakes and eggs aren’t really your thing, quinoa is also a top source of protein. Quinoa is a superfood with tons of health benefits, ranging from migraine relief to antiseptic properties. According to Men’s Health, quinoa also serves as a “tissue- and muscle-building powerhouse,” which is exactly what you’ll need after an intense workout.

Chia seeds

When you sweat, you lose a ton of electrolytes — you know, the things those Gatorade commercials are always talking about. Turns out they are incredibly important (the vast amounts of sugar in that Gatorade however, is not). Electrolytes are basically miniscule salt ions your body needs to keep everything in check and working properly. If you sweat too much and don’t replace the electrolytes you lost, your body gets sad.

This is where the chia seeds come into play. They contain the important stuff like calcium and magnesium, and when you mix them into liquid they expand — meaning you’ll feel full and energetic after eating them.

White potatoes

Do you ever get to the point in your workout where you feel like you just cannot move for a second longer? That feeling is real, and it happens when your body runs out of glycogen (a molecule that breaks down into glucose) and starts feeding on fat. The more glycogen you have in your body, the longer you can exercise without feeling burnt out.

Greek yogurt

So now that you know you need protein and carbohydrates post-workout, why not save some time and eat something that’ll give you both? Greek yogurt contains less sugar and more carbs than regular yogurt, and more protein than milk. It’s also high in calcium, potassium, and Vitamin-B12.

Mix it with some fibery fruit and you’ve got yourself one hell of a post-workout snack!

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