Here are some things you do every day but have not really thought about the health implications of it.
1. Using your smartphone before going to sleep.
Well, our bodies at night produce melatonin, a hormone that regulates our sleep and when we wake up. According to research, using artificial light at night suppresses it. The effect is that low melatonin can lead to depression, cancer, heart diseases and a very fragile immune system. So turn off your phone way before you go to sleep. Source
2. Using synthetic perfume.
In order to get really strong scents, most perfume companies use synthetic materials as they are cheaper than natural oils. Have you wondered why you are warned not to spray perfume in your eye? Well, the synthetic materials can irritate your eyes and skin, and cause nausea and dizziness. You are better off using essential oils instead. Source
Image: Poka
3. Brushing your teeth after eating.
According to Dentist, it is best to brush your teeth at least 60 minutes after eating. That is because high acidic foods can affect the enamel of your tooth as well as the layer underneath it. During brushing, the movement of your toothbrush pushed the acid close to the layer below your enamel. Source
Image: AOL
4. Wearing skinny/tight jeans.
I know these are latest trends in town but know that the constant press on your skin can cause discomfort that can lead serious nervous system issues. There’s a reduction in air flow to your legs and this causes tingling and itching that can make your legs numb. Source
5. Drinking freshly squeezed juice.
Juicing is the order of the day, and yes, freshly squeezed juice is good for you but only in small quantities. There are instances where juice can very harmful to your body. For instance, grape juice is not recommended for those with diabetes. Source
Image: Healthy and Stylish
6. Stopping yourself from sneezing.
When we close our mouths and pinch our noses in an effort to prevent a sneeze, our intracranial pressure increases significantly. The blood flow to our brains is disrupted, and our blood vessels and nervous tissue are compressed. This can lead to headaches, damage to vessels, and even hearing problems. Never stop yourself from sneezing. Source
7. Keep foods in plastic containers.
Many plastic boxes contain artificial chemical substances, such as phthalate and bisphenol, that help to maintain their flexibility. If kept for a long time in plastic boxes, such substances can creep into the food. It’s a much better idea to store food in containers made from glass, stainless steel, or ceramic material.Source
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