Ed Sheeran Reveals The Song He Wished He Had Written - The Frontline NG


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14 Jun 2017

Ed Sheeran Reveals The Song He Wished He Had Written

Ed Sheeran might one of today’s best songwriters, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have some (music) regrets.
In fact, Sheeran did an interview with Billboard ahead of accepting the Songwriters Hall of Fame’s Hal David Starlight Award and explained that there is one song he wishes he could’ve written. What song is it you ask? Hint: It hails from another British artist.
“There’s a sing called ‘Jealous’ by Labrinth which I just love,” Sheeran told Billboard when asked about the “song that got away.”
Sheeran explained that he’s not the only songwriter who wishes they had written the track, which was originally released in 2014.
“I’ve played it for other songwriters, and they have the same opinion as me — that they wish they’d written it,” he continued. “Fantastic concept, fantastic emotionally, sparse, and just like the best sort of songs: not overly complicated but you listen to it and you think, ‘That sounds real.’ I remember listening to it and welling up, and that’s always a very powerful thing to me for a song to do that.”
“Jealous” is soft, powerful, and meaningful, which are all things that Sheeran includes in his tracks, so we can definitely see he wishes the song was his own.
As for the songs he has written, the “Shape of You” singer said he always try to make sure that anything he pens has his own stamp — even when it’s actually meant for another artist.
“As many times as I can if there’s a song I have a writing credit on, I try to have some sort of element of me on it, just as a kind of signature,” he explained. “Even if it’s me doing the backing vocal or me playing the guitar, I just like having that element on songs I’ve been involved in.”
We love the moment when you notice something that only fits Sheeran on a track, and then you know he wrote it, and it instantly takes the song to the next level.
Which of Sheeran’s songwriting masterpieces is your favorite to date? Sound off in the comments below!

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